Chatbot prompts for keyword research:

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  • megri
    • Mar 2004
    • 848

    Chatbot prompts for keyword research:

    General prompts:
    • Find related keywords: "Identify 10 SEO keywords related to [topic]."
    • Find long-tail keywords: "Generate a list of 20 long-tail keywords related to [keyword]."
    • Identify popular questions: "Suggest a list of 5 popular questions related to [keyword]."
    • Research keyword trends: "Analyze the search trends for [keyword] over the past year."
    • Compare keyword difficulty: "Compare the keyword difficulty scores for [keyword 1], [keyword 2], and [keyword 3]."
    • Find keywords with low competition: "Identify 10 keywords with low competition related to [topic]."
    • Find keywords with high search volume: "Generate a list of 15 keywords with high search volume for [industry]."
    • Research keyword search intent: "What is the search intent for the keyword [keyword]?"
    • Identify relevant topics: "Suggest 5 relevant topics to target based on the keyword [keyword]."
    • Generate keyword variations: "Create a list of 10 keyword variations for [keyword]."

    Prompts for specific use cases:
    • E-commerce: "Find 10 product-specific keywords related to [product category]."
    • Blog: "Generate a list of 20 blog post ideas based on the keyword [keyword]."
    • Landing page: "Identify 5 high-converting keywords for a landing page about [topic]."
    • PPC campaign: "Research 10 negative keywords to exclude from a PPC campaign targeting [keyword]."
    • Content marketing: "Create a content calendar based on the keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], and [keyword 3]."

    Advanced prompts:
    • Use a specific keyword research tool: "Find 10 relevant keywords for [topic] using Ahrefs."
    • Analyze the SERP for a specific keyword: "Provide a detailed analysis of the SERP for the keyword [keyword]."
    • Identify keyword gaps: "Compare my website's keyword ranking to my competitors and identify opportunities for improvement."
    • Research keyword seasonality: "Analyze the seasonal trends for the keyword [keyword]."
    • Use a specific geographic location: "Find 10 local keywords related to [topic] for the city of [city]."

    Bonus prompts:
    • Ask for creative inspiration: "Generate a list of 10 catchy headlines based on the keyword [keyword]."
    • Get help with content creation: "Write a 500-word blog post about [topic] targeting the keyword [keyword]."
    • Get feedback on your keyword research: "Do you think these keywords are a good fit for my target audience?"
    • Ask for suggestions for improving your website's SEO: "What are some SEO tips you can give me to improve my website's ranking?"
    • Ask for help with creating a content calendar: "Can you help me create a content calendar for the next quarter?"
    Parveen K - Forum Administrator
    SEO India - TalkingCity Forum Rules - Webmaster Forum
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  • megri
    • Mar 2004
    • 848

    Chatbot Prompts for Keyword Research

    Here are some chatbot prompts you can use to generate ideas for keyword research:

    1. Brainstorm related keywords:
    • "List 10 SEO keywords related to [topic]."
    • "Identify 5 long-tail keywords related to [keyword]."
    • "Suggest 3 related keywords with high search volume and low competition."

    2. Find keywords based on product descriptions:
    • "Create a list of 5 SEO keywords related to the following product description: [product description]."
    • "Identify 3 keywords with high purchase intent related to this product page:"
    • "Find 2 long-tail keywords related to this product category: [product category]."

    3. Discover popular questions:
    • "Suggest a list of 5 popular questions related to [keyword]."
    • "Identify 3 frequently asked questions about [topic]."
    • "Find 2 long-tail questions with high search volume related to [product]."

    4. Research keyword strategies:
    • "Research the top 5 SEO keyword strategies for [topic]."
    • "Analyze the keyword landscape for [industry]."
    • "Suggest 3 keyword research tools to help me find relevant keywords."

    5. Generate content ideas:
    • "Create a blog post outline targeting [keyword] with a conversational tone."
    • "Suggest a list of 5 topic clusters related to [keyword]."
    • "Generate 3 article ideas based on the following keywords:[list of keywords]."

    6. Discover trending topics:
    • "Identify 3 trending topics related to [industry]."
    • "Suggest 5 hot topics with high search volume and low competition."
    • "Find 2 trending keywords related to [current event]."

    7. Analyze competitor keywords:
    • "Identify the top 5 ranking keywords for my competitor [competitor website URL]."
    • "Analyze the keyword gap between my website and [competitor website URL]."
    • "Suggest 3 keywords I can target to outperform my competitor in search results."

    8. Improve existing content:
    • "Suggest 5 ways to improve the SEO of this article:"
    • "Identify 3 missing keywords that should be included in this blog post."
    • "Suggest 2 long-tail keyword variations to add to this product description."

    9. Get local results:
    • "Find 3 local keywords related to [business category] in [city]."
    • "Identify 2 long-tail keywords with local search intent related to [service]."
    • "Suggest 1 keyword to target for Google My Business optimization."

    10. Choose the right keywords:
    • "Which keyword is better for SEO: [keyword 1] or [keyword 2]?"
    • "Should I target short-tail keywords or long-tail keywords?"
    • "How can I choose the right keywords for my target audience?"

    • "Can you create a keyword research report for me?"
    • "Help me build a keyword strategy for my website."
    • "I need help finding profitable keywords for my online store."

    By using these chatbot prompts, you can generate a wealth of ideas for keyword research and improve your SEO efforts. Remember to be specific with your prompts and provide as much context as possible so that the chatbot can generate the most relevant results.
    Parveen K - Forum Administrator
    SEO India - TalkingCity Forum Rules - Webmaster Forum
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    • megri
      • Mar 2004
      • 848

      hatbot prompts for keyword research:

      1. Identify related keywords:
      • Prompt: "Identify 10 SEO keywords related to [topic]."
      • Example: "Identify 10 SEO keywords related to running shoes."

      2. Find keywords related to specific content:
      • Prompt: "Create a list of 5 SEO keywords related to the following product description: [product description]."
      • Example: "Create a list of 5 SEO keywords related to the following product description: 'These running shoes are designed for long-distance running and feature a breathable mesh upper and cushioned midsole.'"

      3. Identify popular questions:
      • Prompt: "Suggest a list of 5 popular questions related to [keyword]."
      • Example: "Suggest a list of 5 popular questions related to keyword "running shoes for beginners."

      4. Research keyword strategies:
      • Prompt: "Research the top 5 SEO keyword strategies for [topic]."
      • Example: "Research the top 5 SEO keyword strategies for running shoes."

      5. Generate content ideas based on keywords:
      • Prompt: "Create a list of 10 blog post titles based on the keyword 'running shoes for beginners.'"
      • Example:
      • 10 Best Running Shoes for Beginners
      • How to Choose the Right Running Shoes for Beginners
      • Common Mistakes Beginners Make When Choosing Running Shoes
      • How to Get Started with Running: A Beginner's Guide
      • Running Tips for Beginners

      6. Identify long-tail keywords:
      • Prompt: "Find 5 long-tail keywords related to [keyword]."
      • Example: "Find 5 long-tail keywords related to keyword 'running shoes'."

      7. Analyze competitor keywords:
      • Prompt: "Identify the top 5 keywords that [competitor's website] is ranking for."
      • Example: "Identify the top 5 keywords that ****'s website is ranking for."

      8. Get keyword suggestions based on search intent:
      • Prompt: "Suggest 5 keywords related to [topic] with informational search intent."
      • Example: "Suggest 5 keywords related to 'running shoes' with informational search intent."

      9. Get keyword difficulty score:
      • Prompt: "What is the keyword difficulty score for the keyword 'running shoes'?"
      Parveen K - Forum Administrator
      SEO India - TalkingCity Forum Rules - Webmaster Forum
      Please Do Not Spam Our Forum

