Free Domain Authority Tools Face Disruption as Moz Updates API Policy

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  • megri
    • Mar 2004
    • 848

    Free Domain Authority Tools Face Disruption as Moz Updates API Policy

    Popular SEO platform Moz has announced changes to its Free Tier access, impacting users of various free domain authority checker tools and other functionalities.

    Effective March 15, 2024, all Free Tier Moz API accounts will require a valid, non-expired credit card on file to maintain access. This policy shift aims to enhance service quality and combat fraud, according to a Moz statement.

    What does this mean for free SEO tools?

    Many free domain authority checker tools, website rank checkers, and other SEO tools heavily rely on the Moz API for their core functionalities like:
    • Free domain authority checking: Tools that offer free checks for domain authority (DA), page authority (PA), and MozRank will be affected.
    • SEO checker and website rank checker limitations: Tools utilizing the Moz API for various SEO checks may experience limitations unless they adjust their data sources.

    Impact on bulk DA checkers:

    The update will also significantly impact the functionality of bulk DA checker tools in the market. These tools, often used by SEO professionals and website owners, rely on the Moz API for efficient domain authority checks and may need to explore alternative solutions.

    Key points to remember:
    • Free Tier users: If you use free domain authority checking tools, website rank checkers, or other SEO tools powered by the Moz API, ensure you have a valid, non-expired credit card linked to your Free Tier Moz API account by March 1st, 2024 to avoid losing access on March 15th, 2024.
    • Moz API users: This change applies to the Free Tier of the Moz API. Paid tiers are not affected.
    • Alternative solutions: Users may need to explore alternative tools or consider upgrading to paid plans offered by Moz or other platforms if the free tier changes significantly impact their workflow.

    Moz API offers various functionalities beyond free domain authority checking, including:
    • Link Explorer: Analyze backlinks and website authority.
    • Keyword Explorer: Research keywords and track rankings.
    • SEO API: Access Moz's data and metrics programmatically.
    • Link Building API: Automate link building outreach.
    • Domain Name API: Discover available domain names.
    • Competitive Intelligence API: Gain insights into competitors' SEO strategies.
    • Marketing API: Integrate Moz data into marketing workflows.

    While this update may cause temporary disruption for some users, it's important to understand the reasoning behind Moz's decision and explore available options to maintain their SEO workflows and access to valuable domain authority metrics.
    Last edited by megri; 03-02-2024, 10:56 AM.
    Parveen K - Forum Administrator
    SEO India - TalkingCity Forum Rules - Webmaster Forum
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  • megri
    • Mar 2004
    • 848

    In conclusion, Moz has announced changes to its Free Tier access, requiring a valid credit card on file starting March 15, 2024. This will impact users of free domain authority checker tools and other SEO functionalities, prompting them to ensure compliance or explore alternative solutions to maintain access to valuable metrics and tools.
    Parveen K - Forum Administrator
    SEO India - TalkingCity Forum Rules - Webmaster Forum
    Please Do Not Spam Our Forum


    • Mohit Rana
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2024
      • 358


      Moz, a prominent provider of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools and metrics, including Domain Authority (DA), periodically updates its policies and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) which can impact third-party services relying on them. When such updates occur, free Domain Authority tools may face disruptions in their functionality or availability.

      These disruptions can occur due to various reasons:
      1. Changes in API Access: Moz may update its API policies, limiting access or imposing restrictions on how third-party tools can utilize their data.
      2. Pricing Changes: Moz might introduce pricing changes for accessing their API, making it cost-prohibitive for some developers or services to continue using it.
      3. Updates in Metrics or Algorithms: Moz occasionally updates its metrics or algorithms to improve accuracy. Third-party tools may need to adapt to these changes to provide accurate results.
      4. Technical Issues: Updates in Moz's infrastructure or technical issues on their end can also cause disruptions in API access for third-party tools.

      For users of free Domain Authority tools, disruptions can mean:
      • Inaccurate or outdated data.
      • Temporary unavailability of the service.
      • Reduced functionality or features.

      To mitigate disruptions, developers of these tools may need to:
      • Stay informed about updates to Moz's API policies and adapt their applications accordingly.
      • Explore alternative sources of data or metrics for their tools.
      • Communicate transparently with their users about any disruptions and their plans for addressing them.


      • Joshua Hopkins
        • Jan 2024
        • 75

        1. Check Moz's Official Announcements: Visit Moz's official website or blog for any announcements regarding changes to their API policies. Companies typically communicate such updates to their users through official channels.
        2. Review Documentation: Check the updated API documentation provided by Moz. This will outline any changes in usage policies, restrictions, or requirements for accessing their data through the API.
        3. Contact Moz Support: If you're using a tool that relies on Moz's API and you're experiencing disruptions, reach out to Moz's support for clarification. They can provide information on the changes and potential solutions.
        4. Explore Alternatives: If disruptions are significant or if you're looking for alternatives, consider exploring other SEO tools and APIs that offer similar functionalities. There are several alternatives in the market that provide domain authority metrics and related data.
        5. Monitor Online Communities: Join forums, communities, or discussion groups related to SEO and digital marketing. Often, users share updates and discuss the impacts of changes to various tools and APIs.


        • Anjali Kumari
          • May 2024
          • 36

          Moz's update to its API policy could indeed disrupt free domain authority (DA) tools that rely on Moz's data for their services. Domain authority is a metric developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). Many SEO professionals, marketers, and website owners use domain authority as a measure of a site's credibility and potential to rank highly in search results.

          When Moz updates its API policy, it can affect third-party tools and services that rely on accessing Moz's data to provide domain authority scores. If Moz imposes restrictions, such as limiting access, reducing the frequency of data updates, or requiring payment for API access, free domain authority tools may face challenges in maintaining their services.

          This disruption could lead to several potential outcomes:
          1. Decreased Accuracy: Free domain authority tools may experience a decrease in the accuracy and reliability of their domain authority scores if they can't access up-to-date data from Moz.
          2. Limited Features: Some free tools may be forced to limit their features or functionality if they can't access certain data points or if they need to comply with new API restrictions.
          3. Migration to Alternatives: Website owners and SEO professionals may need to seek alternative sources for domain authority data or switch to paid tools that provide access to Moz's data through official channels.
          4. Development of New Solutions: The disruption could spur the development of new tools and solutions that rely on alternative data sources or employ different methodologies for calculating domain authority.

