What is the difference between coding in databases and programming?

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    What is the difference between coding in databases and programming?

    In real Programming is a superset of Coding. That means every element of Coding is a part of Programming. A lot of debates and discussions had happened on this topic as they both have their separate fan base among IT workers. Some love coding while others are interested in programming. But these two are interlinked with each other which made the most important for developing potential software in IT.

    Programming defines as a set of instructions to some device for performing tasks on behalf of a human for doing them. This is not that easy to provide those instructions as you listen. Actually there is a lot of stuff happening behind such as working with Algorithm, Memory management Tasks, Testing, Debugging and a lot to know.

    This tasks all together gives a well-designed and performing program for the public to make their life so comfortable. Generally, a programmer had to be stick with plans and actions regarding what they do for it. They should follow a methodical approach in order to fulfill the needs with the end-user.

    Coding is totally different from programming. It is all about doing a translator job between different programming languages. They convert the code of one language to another without changing any logic and instructions in it. Generally, it
  • lisajohn
    Senior Member
    • May 2007
    • 309

    In general, In databases you are writing code that is specific to that data. The language has Functions and limitations that are designed for and limited to managing data. Programming does not have these boundaries.


    • Joshua Hopkins
      • Jan 2024
      • 75

      Coding in databases and programming are related concepts, but they refer to different aspects of software development.
      1. Coding in Databases:
        • This typically refers to writing queries, scripts, or stored procedures to interact with databases.
        • The focus is on manipulating and managing data within a database system.
        • Common tasks include inserting, updating, deleting, and retrieving data from a database.
        • SQL (Structured Query Language) is often used for coding in databases.
      2. Programming:
        • Programming is a broader term that encomp***es various activities related to software development.
        • It includes tasks such as designing algorithms, writing code for applications, creating user interfaces, and managing data.
        • Programming languages like Python, Java, C++, and others are used for developing applications that can include database interactions.
        • In the context of programming, you might be working on different layers of an application, not just the database layer.


      • Anjali Kumari
        • May 2024
        • 36

        Coding in databases and programming are related but distinct concepts in the realm of software development:
        1. Coding in Databases:
          • Coding in databases typically refers to writing queries, scripts, or stored procedures to interact with databases. This involves using specialized languages such as SQL (Structured Query Language) to manipulate data within a database management system (DBMS).
          • The primary focus is on querying and managing data stored in tables, creating, updating, and deleting records, as well as performing operations like joins, aggregations, and filtering.
          • Common tasks include creating database schemas, defining relationships between tables, optimizing queries for performance, and ensuring data integrity and security.
        2. Programming:
          • Programming, on the other hand, is a broader term that encomp***es the development of software applications using programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, etc.
          • Programmers write code to create software solutions that can perform a wide range of tasks, from simple calculations to complex algorithms and user interfaces.
          • Programming involves designing, implementing, testing, and debugging software applications, as well as integrating different components and libraries to build functional systems.
          • Unlike coding in databases, which primarily deals with data manipulation and retrieval, programming involves a more comprehensive approach to software development, including designing software architecture, implementing business logic, handling user input/output, and managing resources.

